torn - definição. O que é torn. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é torn - definição

Torn (song); Torn (album); Torn (disambiguation); Torn (novel); Torn (film); Torn (2013 film)

Torn is the past participle of tear
If you are torn between two or more things, you cannot decide which to choose, and so you feel anxious or troubled.
Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics...
ADJ: usu v-link ADJ, oft ADJ between pl-n
·- ·p.p. of Tear.
II. Torn ·p.p. of Tear.
(cannot stand alone) torn between (he was torn between his family and his job)



Torn may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para torn
1. Torn.
Refugee Chef's Stories & Recipes _ James Syhabout _ Talks at Google
2. torn decisions, because you're feeling torn.
Free Will _ Mark Balaguer _ Talks at Google
3. We're torn.
Getting to Yes with Yourself _ William Ury _ Talks at Google
4. I'm torn.
Interviews with 12 cutting-edge musicians from Oakland and beyond _ Matt Werner _ Talks at Google
5. I'm torn.
A New Turn in The South _ Hugh Acheson _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para torn
1. Torn between two worlds They aren‘t the only British Muslims torn between two worlds.
2. Torn by conflicting loyalties, Emanuel is ducking.
3. Oil conglomerates were torn between two possible pipeline routes to Western markets: west through the war–torn Caucasus Mountains to Turkey, or south through war–torn Afghanistan to Pakistan and the Arabian Sea.
4. "These were two parents who were absolutely torn apart by what was happening to their daughter, just torn apart," Hallett said.
5. One had its roof torn off completely by the force of the blast, the inside a tangled mess of torn seats, twisted metal and shattered windows.